Friday, April 18, 2008

Letting My Mind Wander

I know I have been posting more than usual, but I am going to take a break for a few days; so I thought I would give all of you some things to read. Perhaps, the most important thing I would love for everyone to read, is an article called "27 Thoughts on Blogging for the Artist".
I've noticed a lot of bloggers have been running out of steam, and wondering what the point of maintaining their blogs. I sometimes feel the same way. I wonder if anyone really cares. I get disappointed when no one comments or my stats drop...its ridiculous but true. I also struggle to keep pushing my personal and professional goals. Trying to be a wife, mom, designer, and blogger can be daunting. I sometimes question why I'm pushing so hard. I realized that a lot of times I am only trying to impress people or make others think I am Super Woman. Lately, I've been trying to get back to what is really important. I am trying to find and fulfill my purpose in life and not to impress others; but because it is who I am. I am taking some time off to rest and ponder. Taking long drives is one of the ways I get my thoughts straightened out. I am going to take time to rediscover the things that really inspire me. I hope this article encourages others to do the same.
Be back next week :)

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