Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Make My Day!

I had a very fun day yesterday. First, Erika at Urban Grace Interiors, posted a picture of my "Chiquitas" that sit on my kitchen window sill. I know this may seem silly, but I get excited when someone mentions me on their blog. She has a fun interactive article about what people place on their window sills.
Second, my friend Denise of Freshly Found gave me the "You Make My Day" award. I am a bit sentimental about Denise, not only because we exchange comments regularly, but also because she was the first person to comment on my blog.
So, I am going to pass on the award to blogs, that make my day.
The Rules:
1. Write a post with the links to 5 blogs that "make your day".
2. Acknowledge the post of the award giver.
3.Tell the award winners they won by commenting on their blogs.
Now that we have the formalities out of the way. I am passing the award to:
1. Erika at Urban Grace, because you really did help make my day yesterday :)
2. Ronda of All the Best , because she has such a beautiful and well written blog; and because she responded so graciously to my introduction, via a silly email.
3.Lana at Topsy Turvy, whose blog I only recently discovered; but I feel a connection to.(Especially for off-beat designs and people).
4. NunuPepe, who at this moment is in the process of moving to a different continent to start a whole new life! I don't know if you will see this award right away, but I hope you enjoy it.
5. This is Glamorous, whose blog really is so glamorous, I can barely deal with it!!
Finally, I hope the "You make my Day" committee doesn't get angry with me, but I am giving it to SIX people instead of five (What!?). I just couldn't leave this last person out.
6. Caroline of My Pocket, I am always impressed by Caroline's beautiful photography; but mostly by her very sweet and endearing spirit.
Okay, enough of the love fest! Ladies, I really do enjoy your blogs...let me know when you make your own lists, I would love to see them.

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