Tuesday, September 29, 2009

War Of The Worlds

Did you ever see that movie? The original one I mean, (don't get me started on my negative feelings about Tom Cruise!) These incredible light fixtures remind me of the alien spaceships, attacking the Earth. Remember that creepy sound they made? That movie was a family favorite at my house :)

See more of this Parisian restaurant on Dezeen.
P.S. I'm on my way to Round Top! More info later:)

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Our Favorite Sing-Along

Lately, Liam and I love singing to this song as we drive around town.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Friday Favorite: Restoration Hardware?

So, I'm kind of a snob when it comes to furniture from big chain stores. I'm usually not impressed. This week I got the Restoration Hardware catalog in the mail. I like to search through it, just to keep up with what's new and what accessories they have. I was pretty surprised to find these dining sets. They really are good looking!
The new line of furnishings is made from reclaimed wood, which gives it such a warm feeling and patina. As a disclaimer: I haven't actually seen this furniture in person, so I can't vouch for its quality. (That is my biggest issue with furniture from chain stores). I do like the prices, though:) What do you think?

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A New Pet For Me

On my most recent trip to Kuhl Linscomb, I fell in love with this guy. I think I could give him a great home:) Go to Moooi's site to see him.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Are You Reading...

All The Best's "Best Bedroom" contest? Ooh, its so inspiring and the cast of judges is INSANE!! In fact they are a little intimidating, I think. Anyway, check it out here!

I can't decide which I love more...a more traditional approach or a funkier one? They are all gorgeous!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Friday Favorite: Knoll For Kids

Ooh, I'm so excited about this! Modern design for kids from Knoll. I say down with plastic cartoon character furniture! Great design can be very fun and functional for the little ones too. Just don't leave magic markers around...if you know what I mean;-)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Beautiful Headboard

Hello, all! I'm writing an early morning post, because I've been up most of the night. The kid decided he didn't need much sleep, so neither did we; apparently. Ha!
So by pure coincidence, I'm thinking about headboards today;-) I do love this charming idea from Marie Claire Maison. Its quite simple, but sooo inspiring! In fact, I love everything. From the shelf above the window, with those amazing bags to white the pillowcases with cool red lettering.
P.S. I've been taking many, many photos lately and will be sharing them later this week. See you then.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Pump It Up

I was a just a babe when this song was released. To be honest, I only heard it for the first time a couple of months ago; but I'm obsessed with it now. Of course, I have to mention how much I love Elvis' style...very cool.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Blogger's Dilemma

Hey, I'm finally back! Yesterday was a complicated day for this blogger. First, I couldn't post pictures. I'm pretty sure it was a Blogger problem, but I'm not certain. Second, when I was finally able to post photos, I couldn't find the sites I needed to link too! I sat looking through my computer for almost two hours, searching and searching! I finally gave up in disgust and thought, "I'm going to have to start over in the morning". So this morning, as I looked at the photos again, I couldn't bring myself to delete them. So here is the dilemma. I know its protocal to always give sources and links, but could y'all forgive me for not sharing these with you? I mean come on!

So, I'm throwing myself at the mercy of the blogosphere that I may be forgiven for posting these without credit.
I really racked my brain to remember where they came from. All I remember is that this is a restaurant in Hong Kong...it blows me away! Soooo gorgeous!

Well, I hope you enjoy these. If anyone has an idea of their source, please let me know. Now, on with your Thursday:)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Hi everyone, I know its Wednesday and my last post says its Monday.
I'm trapped by my computer. I don't know what's going on, but I can't post pictures.
As soon as its working again, I will post some great photos.
Thanks guys

Monday, September 7, 2009

Cool It

Hope you have the day off, today. Sit back, put your feet up and groove to some music:)
(P.S. Thanks to Ashley of Decorology and Becky of Hatch, for including me on their amazing sites. I'm so flattered!)

Friday, September 4, 2009

Friday Favorite: Anna Maria Horner

Happy Friday! This week went by very quickly and I haven't had a chance to post very much. I didn't want to leave all of you hanging for the weekend, so I thought I would share a new favorite website. If you need to get a refill on spectacular color, hop on over to Anna Maria Horner's site. Its so fun! I love these pretty rugs, they are like a party for your floors:)

You can also buy beautiful fabrics, sewing patterns, and smaller pieces of fabrics. I love these for smaller projects or for projects w/out large budgets. Now, I'm going to imagine how I could use some of these for myself!
Have a great (and creative) weekend:)